

Google Releases Two New Photography Apps for iOS Under Appsperiments Program

Google has a couple of new apps for iOS devices, one of which is iOS-only, as part of its new “appsperiments program.”
The company officially announced the new apps today by way of its official blog, unveiling “Selfissimo!” and “Scrubbies,” with the latter option being an iOS-only option. “Selfissimo!” is available for iOS and Android. Each offers a specific gimmick for those who want to have a few different options to play around with when it comes to photography.
The “Appsperiments Program” is meant to let some new creations break to the surface, with more experimental apps seeing the light of day. 
The first option, Selfissimo! (pictured above), is basically a photo booth that works with black-and-white photos. It works automatically, with the aim being to snap a photo every time you hit the button and pose. You tap the display, the app starts a photo shoot, and then every time you strike a pose the app will snap a photo. Basically once you stop moving the app will automatically take a photo of you.
Meanwhile, Scrubbies, the iOS-exclusive, is designed to let you remix a video on the fly. You can do so like a DJ, quickly scrubbing the video back-and-forth to create a series of video loops.
Both of these iOS apps are free. Links to download them are below.
Google also released a third app, this one for Android devices only. It’s called “Storyboard,” and it works how the name suggests. The app will automatically extract video clips and photos and creates a six-frame storyboard from that content. You can refresh the app to pull up new frames and layouts. Google says there are over 1.6 trillion variations to choose from. There’s no word on when, or if, Storyboards, will find its way to iOS devices.




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